Ditch the Screen
Is it just me, or have you also found yourself spending more and more time attached to a screen? Whether I’m beginning my day with a quick YouTube yoga session, or ending my day watching my favorite show - I seem to always be looking at a screen.
I could blame Covid but if I’m being honest, this was my norm long before lockdown.
I’ll be the first to admit that I’m entirely guilty of being ABSORBED in my phone/iPad/computer/television - be it for work or for entertainment. Especially in these hot summer months, staying inside is almost mandatory (unless you’re in a pool.)
Even the term ‘digital detox’ seems to have lost its meaning. (I’m pretty sure it is super ironic to digitally post about your plan to take a break from technology?)
So in the name of self care (and eye care) I have picked up a new hobby that isn’t digital.
To get away from the screens (and drastically reduce my screen time) I’ve started C O L O R I N G.

I mean, we did it as kids, right? Why did we stop? Why the kids get to have all the fun?
I have coloring books with mandalas, shapes, flowers, quotes, all the great images just waiting to be filled in with my creativity.. I find most of mine on Amazon. I also get cool gel pens too. I have to go all in… .
This has been my recent form of self care. Taking 30 minutes of my busy days to do something I enjoy, that allows me to embrace some natural creativity. Since I started doing this (these pages are intricate and take a LONG time to finish) I have been better at staying grounded, even during hectic moments.