If you look in the mirror and don’t feel love, your self-esteem may need a boost. Self esteem is how you value yourself. Self esteem is your opinion of yourself and how you view your abilities. Once you boost your self-esteem, success in other aspects of your life may follow suit.
Neglecting self-care is easy in a busy world, but the consequences can be serious. Adding self-care practices to your daily routine can greatly strengthen your health and well-being.
Taking 30 minutes of my busy days to do something I enjoy, that allows me to embrace some natural creativity. Since I started doing this (these pages are intricate and take a LONG time to finish) I have been better at staying grounded, even during hectic moments.
Did you know that this year’s theme for Black History Month is “Black Health and Wellness?” How perfect is it that our purpose coincides perfectly with this month’s theme.
Don’t let time be an excuse for not connecting with yourself in the activities that fuel your spirit. Your investment in you is the best one you’ll make. The return on that investment is beneficial to you and your loved ones.
My Grandmother would be 85 today. She was kind, smart, beautiful and RESILIENT. My resilience comes from her and a long line of strong women like her. She endured a lot in her near 85 years of life. So when the crap creeps into my life, I lean into the good parts of me, from her, and endure.